How do we filter incoming emails?

As a creative agency, we are well aware of the importance of maintaining a strong online presence. However, with the many benefits of having a public-facing website and active social media profiles comes the downside of increased exposure to spam emails.

So, we understand that all of our primary email addresses are publicly available on our website, social media pages, and other online platforms. This means our inboxes are constantly bombarded with spam emails from bots and scammers.

To combat this issue, our support agents manually mark spam-contained emails as spam. This helps to keep our inboxes clean and ensure that we don’t waste time sifting through irrelevant or harmful messages.

However, it’s important to note that if your email address is spammed once, all other emails from that email will be sent to spam automatically. This means that if you send a message that ends up in our spam folder, we may never see it.

We recognize that this is not an ideal situation, and we are actively working to improve our email filtering and management systems. In the meantime, we encourage our clients and partners to take extra care when sending us emails and to follow up with us if they haven’t received a response within a reasonable timeframe.

Another way to connect with Dweet Design crew is Ticket system in our Support center.

Yes, to ensure that we provide the best possible customer service, we have implemented a Ticket system that allows any user to ask a question and receive a prompt response.

Ticket system is designed to be user-friendly and accessible, allowing clients to easily submit their queries without having to navigate through multiple channels or wait on hold for extended periods of time. Once a ticket is submitted, our team is immediately notified, and we work to provide a response within 24 hours in working days.

Moreover, our Ticket system offers a level of transparency that is essential in building trust and fostering long-term relationships with our clients. With this system, clients can track the status of their tickets, view their ticket history, and communicate with our team at any time.

Ticket system is an essential component of our commitment to providing excellent customer service. By implementing this system, we have been able to streamline our communication channels, respond promptly to clients’ queries, and build stronger relationships with our clients. If you have any questions regarding our services, do not hesitate to reach out to us via our Ticket system.

All our clients are our top priority. We strive to provide top-notch design services and customer support, and we understand that effective communication is key to achieving those goals. That’s why we are committed to finding solutions that allow us to stay on top of our inboxes while ensuring that important messages don’t fall through the cracks.

We look forward to hearing from you!